Juliet Peay

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Karyl Eckerle - Sales Page, Emails, Website, oh my!

“You get me. Thank you for that.”

The Challenge: Launching a new program

Karyl Eckerle is a personal branding and image strategist who is committed to helping women become “Who’s Who” in their field. In the past year, she’s trained over 500 women in leadership!

Karyl posted in Amy Porterfield’s Facebook group “I’m looking for recommendations for a sales copywriter. If you have someone you’ve worked with that can finagle and wordsmith my programs into selling machines, I’d love a recommendation.”

Along with a slew of other copywriters, I answered her request and we set up a call!

Karyl was launching The Credibility Program, an ongoing program to help women put their best foot forward into the space they’re meant to thrive. We started with a sales page and email sequence, and later revamped her website, too!

Karyl’s highly calibered clients came with a lot of pressure to present well and stand out.

I was so excited to understand her world and turn her programs into selling machines!

The experience of working with me

“Oh my gosh, I’m just getting started in digging in and reading and I’M PUMPED UP!”

To understand her needs better, Karyl completed an in-depth questionnaire so I could capture her voice and understand her audience.

She was terrific at providing specific examples, which was a great foundation and launchpad for me to use stories and analogies in her email sequence

I didn’t have the intake level as I do now, so it took me a bit longer to immerse into her world, but she was super helpful, and when we got there through a couple revisions (that are always complimentary), it was GOLD.

She was so pumped up with my work that she stopped reading to email me and let me know how excited she was!

Why I loved (all) these projects

We share the value of FUN. Karyl puts her clients at ease and makes “work” fun for everyone involved!

I loved Karyl’s energy throughout every interaction — especially while writing her email sequence. I just can’t get enough of the stories that connect with her clients and help them see how she can really help them!

Get in touch

Do you also value fun, stories, and helping your clients? I love that! If you’d like to see if a new email sequence, sales page, or website should be your next copy project, get in touch here.

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